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Local and Nearby Drug Rehab and Treatment Listings in Richards, Missouri: |
Richards, Missouri
Population Data for Richards, MO:
Population – 331
Male – 53.78 %
Female – 46.22 %
Break down of Population by Race:
Caucasian – 97.28 %
Hispanic – 0.30 %
African American – 0.00 %
American Indian/Alaska Native – 0.00 %
Asian – 0.60 %
Geographic Data for Richards, Missouri:
Population Density – 5.80 per sq. mi
Elevation – 880 ft.
Time Zone – Central (GMT -6)
Daylight Savings? Yes
Education Data in Richards:
In Elementary School – 40 (52.63 %)
In High School – 25 (32.89 %)
In College – 3 (3.95 %)
Education Level Breakdown
Bachelor’s Degree – 20 (8.20 %)
Associate’s Degree – 6 (2.46 %)
Some College, No Degree – 24 (9.84 %)
High School Graduate – 130 (53.28 %)
Less than 9th Grade – 19 (7.79 %)
Employment and Household Data for Richards, MO:
Percentage of People Employed – 53.33 %
Percentage of People Unemployed – 2.11 %
Unemployment Level – 3.80 %
Median Household Income – $36,094.00
Average Household Size – 2.65
Households with:
1 Vehicle – 14.29 %
2 Vehicles – 34.01 %
3 or more Vehicles – 40.14 %
Average Cost to Rent in Richards - $238 per month
Local and Nearby Listings in Richards, Missouri.
- Southeast KS Mental Health Center
9.2 miles away from Richards, Missouri
- Choices Psychological Services
9.2 miles away from Richards, Missouri
- Comm Mental Health Consultants Inc
11.9 miles away from Richards, Missouri
- Southeast KS MH Ctr Pleasanton
20.5 miles away from Richards, Missouri
- Mirror Inc
35.4 miles away from Richards, Missouri
- Comm MHC of Crawford Cty Outpatient
35.4 miles away from Richards, Missouri
- DCCCA, Inc Elm Acres
35.4 miles away from Richards, Missouri
- Mount Carmel Regional Medical Center
35.4 miles away from Richards, Missouri
- Pesciluna Center Pittsburg
35.4 miles away from Richards, Missouri
- Community MHC of Crawford County
35.4 miles away from Richards, Missouri
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Richards, MO
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