Cocaine Drug Treatment
One of the most common addiction problems of those entering rehab is cocaine addiction. It is not surprising that the need for highly successful cocaine drug treatment programs is continually increasing. Cocaine addiction treatment is a vital step in cocaine addiction recovery. However, there is a lot more to drug rehab than getting the individual to stop using cocaine. They also need to learn the tools necessary to avoid using cocaine in the future once they leave treatment. Another area that is addressed in treatment is how to live day to day life without feeling the need to use cocaine to solve problems. Cocaine drug treatment helps to restore the individual to their pre-cocaine using days and guides them to become a productive and functioning part of their family, workplace, and community.
Help for cocaine addiction also varies depending on the characteristics of the patient. Problems associated with an individual's cocaine addiction can vary significantly. People who are addicted to cocaine come from all walks of life. Many suffer from mental health, occupational, health, or social problems that make their addictive disorders much more difficult to treat. Even if there are few associated problems, the severity of the cocaine addiction itself ranges widely among people.
Attending a drug rehab for cocaine addiction is just as effective as treatments for most other chronic medical conditions. Many people believe rehab and treatment are ineffective. In part, this is because of unrealistic expectations. These uninformed individuals equate cocaine addiction with simply using drugs and therefore expect the addiction should be cured quickly and easily. In reality, because cocaine addiction is a chronic problem for the user, the ultimate goal of long-term abstinence requires sustained effort and sometimes repeated treatment episodes.
Statistics show that cocaine drug treatment is the most effective way of recovering from cocaine addiction. Those who are moderate-to-high level cocaine addicts should attend a cocaine drug treatment program that is residentially based and lasts 90 days or longer. While the individual is in addiction treatment they learn many valuable lesions about drug addiction, recovery, and relapse. This is also a time where they can address misguided beliefs about their self, others, and their environment. Cocaine drug rehab programs help the individual make lifestyle changes, manage their feelings, develop coping tools, and learn cocaine refusal skills. They also learn to identify relapse warning signs and thoughts that may lead them to relapse in the future.
Cocaine drug treatment is known to substantially improve an individual's prospects for future employment. Gains of up to forty percent have been show after a cocaine addict attends treatment. In the end, an individual's success in cocaine addiction treatment greatly depends on three key elements. The first is the extent and nature of the individual's cocaine addiction problem. The second is the proper fit of the cocaine addiction treatment facility with the individual's addiction recovery needs. The third element is the individual's involvement in their chosen cocaine addiction treatment program.
There are numerous different types of cocaine drug treatment. Inpatient and detox are considered the same level of care. Day or half day drug rehab programs are also known as partial hospitalization or PHP. Partial drug rehab programs consist of half days of rehab, either in the AM or PM. Short term drug rehab programs can be anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks of full time drug rehab while living in a free standing residential program. Long-term drug rehab programs can last from four to six months, or more. Outpatient drug rehab includes a wide variety of programs for patients attending drug rehab centers for a few hours several times per week.
Most residential programs are based on the Minnesota Model of treating alcoholism and drug addiction or abuse. These programs involve a 3- to 6-weeks of inpatient drug rehab followed by extended outpatient therapy and/or participation in 12-step, self-help groups such as Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous or the newly formed Methamphetamine Anonymous.
The goal of all centers is to educate the drug user to the facts about chemical dependency and the changes needed to live a drug free lifestyle. A variety of therapy can be included in a given drug rehab setting depending on the clinical intensity of the center. Most centers provide counseling, behavioral therapy, lectures, group therapy, discussion groups and other types of services to persons with drug use disorders. Many various behavioral drug rehab programs have been shown to help drug rehab patients achieve and maintain prolonged abstinence.
One frequently used cocaine drug treatment program is cognitive behavioral and relapse prevention. Patients are taught new ways of acting and thinking that will help them stay off drugs. For example, patients in drug rehab are urged to avoid situations that lead to drug abuse and to practice drug refusal skills. They are taught to think of a relapse as a slip rather than as a failure. Cognitive behavioral and relapse prevention has proven to be a useful and lasting therapy in drug rehab. Specific approaches are associated with the particular drug rehab setting. The success rate of various programs is a difficult thing to measure. Outcome studies seem to indicate an individual's success will be determined primarily by their willingness to incorporate new concepts and ideas into their lives and change their reactions to live, patterns of behavior and thinking habits.
For many people caught in the vicious cycle of cocaine use, help is not offered soon enough. Before long finances are in ruin, relationships hang by a limb, and physical health is on the edge. At this point, there may not seem to be any hope left as the addiction still rages on. We believe there is hope. Our professional staff has seen numerous recovery cases and realizes that there is a way to recovery.
Through our specialized programs in cocaine drug treatment we hope to give you a new perspective on things. By offering classes and teaching invaluable addiction recovery techniques we strive to bring about creativity and instill trust as we assist in your recovery process.