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Local and Nearby Drug Rehab and Treatment Listings in Ferriday, Louisiana: |
Ferriday, Louisiana
Population Data for Ferriday, LA:
Population – 9549
Male – 48.86 %
Female – 51.14 %
Break down of Population by Race:
Caucasian – 43.23 %
Hispanic – 2.12 %
African American – 54.69 %
American Indian/Alaska Native – 0.18 %
Asian – 0.29 %
Geographic Data for Ferriday, Louisiana:
Population Density – 52.61 per sq. mi
Elevation – 65 ft.
Time Zone – Central (GMT -6)
Daylight Savings? Yes
Education Data in Ferriday:
In Elementary School – 1,181 (51.15 %)
In High School – 651 (28.19 %)
In College – 150 (6.50 %)
Education Level Breakdown
Bachelor’s Degree – 402 (6.67 %)
Associate’s Degree – 157 (2.61 %)
Some College, No Degree – 952 (15.80 %)
High School Graduate – 1,842 (30.58 %)
Less than 9th Grade – 1,064 (17.66 %)
Employment and Household Data for Ferriday, LA:
Percentage of People Employed – 38.22 %
Percentage of People Unemployed – 5.14 %
Unemployment Level – 11.86 %
Median Household Income – $19,000.00
Average Household Size – 2.56
Households with:
1 Vehicle – 32.12 %
2 Vehicles – 25.21 %
3 or more Vehicles – 9.24 %
Average Cost to Rent in Ferriday - $256 per month
Local and Nearby Listings in Ferriday, Louisiana.
- LaSalle Addictive Disorders Clinic
34.0 miles away from Ferriday, Louisiana
- Delta Community Action Association
36.0 miles away from Ferriday, Louisiana
- Northeast LA Substance Abuse Inc
38.1 miles away from Ferriday, Louisiana
- Avoyelles Addictive Disorders Clinic
45.9 miles away from Ferriday, Louisiana
- Washington Street Hope Center Inc
45.9 miles away from Ferriday, Louisiana
- Veterans Affairs Medical Center
55.9 miles away from Ferriday, Louisiana
- Rainbow House Detox
55.9 miles away from Ferriday, Louisiana
- Red River Addictions Complex
55.9 miles away from Ferriday, Louisiana
- Cenla Chemical Dependency Council
55.9 miles away from Ferriday, Louisiana
- Alexandria/Pineville
55.9 miles away from Ferriday, Louisiana
Fayetteville, OH
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Faysville, TX
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Federal Dam, MN
Federal Heights, CO
Federal Way, WA
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Felicity, OH
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Felsenthal, AR
Felton, CA
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Fenton, IA
Fenton, LA
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Fenton, MO
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Fenwick Island, DE
Fenwood, WI
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Ferdinand, IN
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Ferguson, KY
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Ferndale, CA
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Ferndale, MD
Ferndale, MI
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Ferrelview, MO
Ferriday, LA
Ferris, IL
Ferris, TX
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