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Local and Nearby Drug Rehab and Treatment Listings in Edgerton, Kansas: |
Edgerton, Kansas
Population Data for Edgerton, KS:
Population – 2258
Male – 51.95 %
Female – 48.05 %
Break down of Population by Race:
Caucasian – 96.63 %
Hispanic – 1.68 %
African American – 0.31 %
American Indian/Alaska Native – 1.11 %
Asian – 0.13 %
Geographic Data for Edgerton, Kansas:
Population Density – 52.92 per sq. mi
Elevation – 1040 ft.
Time Zone – Central (GMT -6)
Daylight Savings? Yes
Education Data in Edgerton:
In Elementary School – 316 (48.10 %)
In High School – 152 (23.14 %)
In College – 88 (13.39 %)
Education Level Breakdown
Bachelor’s Degree – 219 (16.13 %)
Associate’s Degree – 115 (8.47 %)
Some College, No Degree – 319 (23.49 %)
High School Graduate – 518 (38.14 %)
Less than 9th Grade – 37 (2.72 %)
Employment and Household Data for Edgerton, KS:
Percentage of People Employed – 78.45 %
Percentage of People Unemployed – 1.08 %
Unemployment Level – 1.36 %
Median Household Income – $50,609.00
Average Household Size – 2.90
Households with:
1 Vehicle – 11.40 %
2 Vehicles – 48.75 %
3 or more Vehicles – 34.96 %
Average Cost to Rent in Edgerton - $582 per month
Local and Nearby Listings in Edgerton, Kansas.
- Dunn Counseling Baldwin City
9.6 miles away from Edgerton, Kansas
- Johnson County Mental Health Center
13.2 miles away from Edgerton, Kansas
- Share It Inc
13.2 miles away from Edgerton, Kansas
- Avenues To Recovery Olathe
13.2 miles away from Edgerton, Kansas
- Choices Alcohol and Drug Assessments
13.2 miles away from Edgerton, Kansas
- Johnson County MHC-ACT Olathe
13.2 miles away from Edgerton, Kansas
- AppleCore Outpatient Treatment Olathe
13.2 miles away from Edgerton, Kansas
- Cypress Recovery Inc Olathe
13.2 miles away from Edgerton, Kansas
- Elizabeth Layton Center
17.5 miles away from Edgerton, Kansas
- Alpha Recovery LLC Lawrence
18.9 miles away from Edgerton, Kansas
Edgemont, SD
Edgemont Park, MI
Edgemoor, DE
Edgerton, KS
Edgerton, MN
Edgerton, MO
Edgerton, OH
Edgerton, WI
Edgerton, WY
Edgewater, AL
Edgewater, CO
Edgewater, FL
Edgewater, FL
Edgewater, NJ
Edgewater Paisano, TX
Edgewood, CA
Edgewood, FL
Edgewood, IL
Edgewood, IN
Edgewood, IA
Edgewood, KY
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Edgewood, NM
Edgewood, OH
Edgewood, PA
Edgewood, PA
Edgewood, TX
Edgewood, WA
Edgeworth, PA
Edina, MN
Edina, MO
Edinboro, PA
Edinburg, IL
Edinburg, ND
Edinburg, TX
Edinburg, VA
Edinburgh, IN
Edison, GA
Edison, NE
Edison, NJ
Edison, OH
Edison, WA
Edisto, SC
Edisto Beach, SC
Edmond, KS
Edmond, OK
Edmonds, WA
Edmondson, AR
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Edmonston, MD
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