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Local and Nearby Drug Rehab and Treatment Listings in Ainsworth, Iowa: |
Ainsworth, Iowa
Population Data for Ainsworth, IA:
Population – 1202
Male – 52.16 %
Female – 47.84 %
Break down of Population by Race:
Caucasian – 95.51 %
Hispanic – 7.57 %
African American – 0.00 %
American Indian/Alaska Native – 0.17 %
Asian – 0.00 %
Geographic Data for Ainsworth, Iowa:
Population Density – 18.51 per sq. mi
Elevation – 746 ft.
Time Zone – Central (GMT -6)
Daylight Savings? Yes
Education Data in Ainsworth:
In Elementary School – 153 (52.76 %)
In High School – 56 (19.31 %)
In College – 25 (8.62 %)
Education Level Breakdown
Bachelor’s Degree – 113 (14.25 %)
Associate’s Degree – 53 (6.68 %)
Some College, No Degree – 168 (21.19 %)
High School Graduate – 300 (37.83 %)
Less than 9th Grade – 54 (6.81 %)
Employment and Household Data for Ainsworth, IA:
Percentage of People Employed – 75.47 %
Percentage of People Unemployed – 2.09 %
Unemployment Level – 2.69 %
Median Household Income – $38,750.00
Average Household Size – 2.66
Households with:
1 Vehicle – 23.97 %
2 Vehicles – 43.20 %
3 or more Vehicles – 27.43 %
Average Cost to Rent in Ainsworth - $375 per month
Local and Nearby Listings in Ainsworth, Iowa.
- Mental Health Institute
22.4 miles away from Ainsworth, Iowa
- University of IA Hospitals and Clinics
25.4 miles away from Ainsworth, Iowa
- Mid Eastern Council on Chemical Abuse
25.4 miles away from Ainsworth, Iowa
- Unity Healthcare New Horizons
28.0 miles away from Ainsworth, Iowa
- Great River Medical Center
38.1 miles away from Ainsworth, Iowa
- Bridgeway Inc
40.1 miles away from Ainsworth, Iowa
- Alcohol and Drug Dependency Services
40.6 miles away from Ainsworth, Iowa
- SIEDA Substance Abuse Services
44.1 miles away from Ainsworth, Iowa
- Saint Lukes Hospital
47.8 miles away from Ainsworth, Iowa
- Area Substance Abuse Council
47.8 miles away from Ainsworth, Iowa
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