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Local and Nearby Drug Rehab and Treatment Listings in Grand Island, Nebraska: |
Grand Island, Nebraska
Population Data for Grand Island, NE:
Population – 48038
Male – 49.62 %
Female – 50.38 %
Break down of Population by Race:
Caucasian – 87.60 %
Hispanic – 15.15 %
African American – 0.39 %
American Indian/Alaska Native – 0.33 %
Asian – 1.21 %
Geographic Data for Grand Island, Nebraska:
Population Density – 233.60 per sq. mi
Elevation – 1864 ft.
Time Zone – Central (GMT -6)
Daylight Savings? Yes
Education Data in Grand Island:
In Elementary School – 5,774 (50.45 %)
In High School – 2,722 (23.78 %)
In College – 1,534 (13.40 %)
Education Level Breakdown
Bachelor’s Degree – 3,426 (11.12 %)
Associate’s Degree – 2,094 (6.80 %)
Some College, No Degree – 7,356 (23.88 %)
High School Graduate – 10,731 (34.84 %)
Less than 9th Grade – 2,602 (8.45 %)
Employment and Household Data for Grand Island, NE:
Percentage of People Employed – 65.48 %
Percentage of People Unemployed – 3.28 %
Unemployment Level – 4.77 %
Median Household Income – $37,024.50
Average Household Size – 2.56
Households with:
1 Vehicle – 30.68 %
2 Vehicles – 38.09 %
3 or more Vehicles – 19.67 %
Average Cost to Rent in Grand Island - $903 per month
Local and Nearby Listings in Grand Island, Nebraska.
- Mid Plains Center for
located in Grand Island, Nebraska
- Saint Francis
located in Grand Island, Nebraska
- Veterans Affairs Medical Center
located in Grand Island, Nebraska
- Horizon Recovery and Counseling Center
23.3 miles away from Grand Island, Nebraska
- Bridge Inc
23.3 miles away from Grand Island, Nebraska
- Blue Valley Behavioral Health
40.1 miles away from Grand Island, Nebraska
- Family First Counseling Center
40.1 miles away from Grand Island, Nebraska
- South Central Behavioral Services
40.9 miles away from Grand Island, Nebraska
- Catholic Charities of Greater Nebraska
62.1 miles away from Grand Island, Nebraska
- Seekers of Serenity Place
62.1 miles away from Grand Island, Nebraska
Grafton, WV
Grafton, WI
Graham, GA
Graham, MO
Graham, NC
Graham, TX
Graham, WA
Grain Valley, MO
Grainfield, KS
Grainola, OK
Grambling, LA
Gramercy, LA
Grampian, PA
Granada, CO
Granada, MN
Granbury, TX
Granby, CO
Granby, MA
Granby, MO
Grand Acres, TX
Grand Bay, AL
Grand Beach, MI
Grand Blanc, MI
Grand Cane, LA
Grand Canyon Village, AZ
Grand Coteau, LA
Grand Coulee, WA
Grand Encampment, WY
Grand Falls Plaza, MO
Grand Forks, ND
Grand Forks AFB, ND
Grand Haven, MI
Grand Island, NE
Grand Isle, LA
Grand Junction, CO
Grand Junction, IA
Grand Junction, TN
Grand Lake, CO
Grand Lake Towne, OK
Grand Ledge, MI
Grand Marais, MN
Grand Meadow, MN
Grand Mound, IA
Grand Mound, WA
Grand Pass, MO
Grand Prairie, TX
Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids, MN
Grand Rapids, OH
Grand Ridge, FL
Grand Ridge, IL
Grand River, IA
Grand River, OH
Grand Rivers, KY
Grand Ronde, OR
Grand Saline, TX
Grand Terrace, CA
Grand Tower, IL
Grand View, ID
Grand View Estates, CO
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